USDA – CNY Organic Micropollutants

A USDA funded project focused on linking the occurrence of organic micropollutants, human behavior, and hydrologic processes.  This project is a collaboration between Christa Kelleher, Rebecca Schewe, and Teng Zeng.

Interested in learning more?

See our research plan

Read about our outcomes

Meet the team:

Dr. Christa Kelleher

Specialty: Hydrology and hydrologic modeling

Home Department: Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Syracuse University


Dr. Teng Zeng

Speciality: Environmental organic chemistry

Home Department: Department of Civil Engineering, Syracuse University


Dr. Rebecca Schewe

Specialty: Environmental sociology

Home Department: Department of Sociology, Syracuse University


Graduate Students:

Ruta Basijokiate

PhD in progress

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Shiru Wang

PhD in progress

Civil Engineering


Krushna Ranaware

PhD in progress



Trent Fenner

PhD in progress



Jeff Wade

PhD in progress

Earth and Environmental Sciences